Join us for the day in Malibu under our beautiful, timeless trees. This special day was designed for families of all ages to celebrate Tu B’Shvat together. Families can enjoy their own picnic lunches while listening to live music, connecting with their greater Jewish community, and learning about Jewish National Funds’ “Trees in Israel” program. Kids will love the opportunity to make their own lemonade to accompany lunch using Shalom Institute’s “Jamba Jews” Bike Blender!
After a ceremonial tree planting there will be multiple opportunities to get hands-on with Shalom Institute, while we festively celebrate the trees and enjoy Tu B’Shvat, including:
Get Digging by cleaning up and prepping our Marla Bennett Israel Discovery Garden: the trees would love a pruning and Carol’s Corner is ripe for planting! Immerse yourself with the trees and the earth for Tu B’Shvat this year.
Gifts for the Tree’s Birthday: Everyone loves gifts on their birthday including the trees. Join us to beautify our trees! Nurture your creativity by decorating bird houses and windchimes, painting rocks, making seed balls to prep the hills for spring flowers, and more. Crafts for all ages can be enjoyed by families and anyone who wants to leave their mark on the land at the Alan D. Leve campus.
Discover how teamwork makes the dream work: TASC, Teen Age Service Camp, is one of Camp JCA Shalom’s most popular teen programs geared towards developing leadership through a group-oriented community project. Enjoy this TASC-inspired activity where you can get your hands dirty and work together on a service project.
Get Moving on our self guided Tu B’Shvat seder hike: enjoy a hike through the Malibu mountains at your own pace while engaging in this short and sweet ritual which many have never experienced! Taste the fruits and reflect on the holiday symbolism, alone or as a family or group.
Bring citrus from home and get involved with Shemesh Farms: Shemesh Farms will be teaching us how they make their custom Citrus Garden salt. Also, explore the treats at their delicious farmstand. Learn about the social enterprise, check out their newest products, and donate your leftover citrus from home.
Experience the best of Camp Fun: Camp JCA Shalom & Camp Gesher counselors will be leading some favorite campy activities: climbing wall, archery, bike blender, apple cider press, camp crafts, interacting with the farm animals, and more.
PLUS celebrate Tu B’Shvat with an Israeli flair! Expect Israeli music, dancing, and nature crafts.