Our Supporters

Empowering Our Mission Through Generosity
We are deeply grateful for the support of the Jewish federations, foundations, synagogues, and hundreds of individuals who help make Shalom Institute a leading Jewish camp, retreat, and community center in Southern California.
Our entire community feels the impact of your generosity, and Shalom Institute is incredibly grateful for the investment you have made. Your dedication and commitment enable us to develop impactful initiatives, maintain and steward our programs and facilities, and continue to create transformative experiences for everyone in our community, as we have for over 70 years.
Jewish Federation of Los Angeles
We especially thank the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles of being our stronger partners in Southern California for over 70 years. Through Federation support, we are able to launch innovative programs and initiatives, provide scholarships to hundreds of campers each year, provide employment and enrichment to young adults with diverse abilities and special needs, enable Ukrainian refugee campers and staff to attend our Camp Gesher, develop a Los Angeles chapter of the Jewish Youth Climate Movement, secure significant funding from the State of California for our Malibu campus rebuild, and much more. For all of this, we are truly grateful.
Alan and Annette Leve Family Foundation
The Alan and Annette Leve Family Foundation is committed to providing resources through grants, that support and foster innovative ideas in all cultural areas including scholarship and education, the arts, music, health and welfare, as well as to provide greater access to, and learning opportunities in, those areas.
As we turn our Ashes into Blossoms, we are extremely grateful for the generous $5 million lead gift from the Alan and Annette Leve Family Foundation to name our beautiful Malibu campus the Alan D. Leve Campus, and an additional gift of $500,000 that will name the amphitheater, when built, to the Annette M. Leve Amphitheater, honoring the memory of Annette M. Leve. We thank the Alan and Annette Leve Family Foundation for this transformative and inspiring gift.
Thank you to the following foundation donors and community partners who help us realize our vision and drive our mission.