Joel Charnick
Chief Program Officer, Shalom Institute
Starting at Camp JCA Shalom in 1988 as a TASCer, then as a CIT, Counselor, TASC Unit Head, CIT Director, Tiyul (Teen Travel Trip) Director, Etgar (Israel Trip) Director, and Program Coordinator, Joel returned to the Shalom Institute in 2001 and has been the Director of Camp JCA Shalom since 2003. Joel graduated from the University of Arizona (go Wildcats!), went to graduate school at Colorado State University, and ultimately at American Jewish University for his MBA. It was during his time at AJU when Joel met his beshert, Rachel and they were married in September of 2011. Joel and Rachel have two children, Jonah and Lily, who are beginning their camp journeys.
818.889.5500 ext. 106
At Shalom Institute Since